Winton Outlook Newsletter
Click the below link for the December 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outlook Newsletter, December 2022
Hope you enjoy your read and please encourage others to register at to receive their monthly newsletter via email.
There will be no edition in January, so get all your Summer photos, events, sports notices, clubs, school and committee info, local history items, fundraisers, meetings, etc to by 25th January 2023 for February's edition.
Non profit organisations advertise at no cost.
Businesses get your advertising in for Februarys edition by 25h January. Email to enquire.
Winton proud.
Winton Outlook Newsletter
Click the below link for the November 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outlook Newsletter, November 2022
Winton Open Day is on Saturday 19th November. Have a read as there's lots of information for families, businesses and the kids throughout the newsletter. Hope you enjoy your read and please encourage others to register at to receive their monthly newsletter via email.
We encourage our sports teams, clubs, schools, committees, anyone with local history items, fundraisers, meetings, events, etc to submit your information for an interesting read. Non profit organisations advertise at no cost.
Businesses get your advertising in for December's edition. Email to enquire.
Winton proud.
Winton Outlook Newsletter, October 2022
Click the below link for the October 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outlook Newsletter, October 2022
We encourage you to sign up to receive a copy via email, the 1st of each month to your inbox.
Enjoy your read everyone and remember to support local.
Winton proud.
WInton Outlook Newsletter
Click the below link for the September 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outloook Newsletter, September 2022
We encourage you to sign up to receive a copy via email, the 1st of each month to your inbox.
Enjoy your read everyone and remember to support local.
Winton proud.
Winton Outlook Newsletter
Click the below link for the August 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outloook Newsletter, August 2022
We encourage you to sign up to receive a copy via email, the 1st of each month to your inbox.
Enjoy your read everyone and remember to support local.
Winton proud.
Breadtags For Wheelchairs
Due to plastic bread tags being phased out to cardboard ones, The Breadtags for Wheelchairs NZ team have decided to cease collecting these.
Please have any remaining plastic bread tags dropped off by 1st September.
The local collection point is the Winton Presbyterian Church, 11 Meldrum Street.
These will then be sorted and sent to the NZ Breadtags team to be sent on to South Africa for recycling.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported this over the past few years.
There has been many wheelchairs purchased from the donations received throughout NZ
Winton Outlook Newsletter
Click the below link for the July 2022 edition of the Winton Outlook Newsletter.
Winton Outloook Newsletter, July 2022
We encourage you to sign up to receive a copy via email, the 1st of each month to your inbox.
Enjoy your read everyone and remember to support local.
Winton proud.
Winton Open Day is Back in November
Mark the 19th November on your calendar.
Organise your Christmas event at Open Day
CAR CLUBS - Organise a run via Winton
GIRLFRIENDS - Come out shopping
MUMS AND DADS - Treat the kids
BUSINESSES - Christmas Work-do in Winton
WORKERS - Come grab a bit to eat
FARMERS - Come see the displays
KIDS - Get your friends together after the game
SPORTS SPECTATORS - Come explore while the games on
More information to come.
Contact for this email