Pokatu Whanau Playgroup - Southern REAP
A welcoming and relaxed play based learning environment for whanau and their preschool tamariki to experience tikanga and basic Te Reo Māori within a playgroup setting.
- Karakia (prayer)
- Pepeha (introduce yourself)
- Waiata (singing)
- Pukapuka (books)
- Basic teaching for parents to korero (have a conversation with) their children
- Coming together for kai (bring your own kai - tea & coffee supplied)
“THE NEST” (Winton Senior Citizen’s Building) 5 John Street, Winton
10am - 12pm weekly on a Tuesday
Runs during Term time.
COST: $20 per whanau (per term) - Facilitator: Priscilla Haora
To register your interest please contact Southern REAP on freephone: 0800 111 117 or email: maree@reap.co.nz
You are more than welcome to drop into ‘The Nest’ to meet everyone.
- Contact Person: Maree - Southern REAP
- Contact Phone: 0800 111 117
- Contact Mobile: 027 732 7323
- Email: maree@reap.co.nz