Central Southland Plunket
Plunket is the largest provider of services supporting the health and well-being of children from birth to age five. We work in partnership with …

Central Southland Toy Library
Discover endless fun at our local Toy Library!! Toy Selection: Variety of indoor/outdoor toys, games, puzzles, and dress ups for children aged 6 months to …

Pokatu Whanau Playgroup - Southern REAP
A welcoming and relaxed play based learning environment for whanau and their preschool tamariki to experience tikanga and basic Te Reo Māori within a playgroup setting - …

Keas ages 6 to 8 years. Tuesdays 5pm-6pm Cubs ages 8 to 10 years. Tuesdays 5pm-6.30pm Scouts ages 10 upwards. Mondays 6.30pm - 8pm All meet at …

Space Parenting Programme - Southern REAP
Space - Learn, play and grow with your baby. At Space you and your baby will connect with other parents & their babies aged between 0 – 5 months …

Wattes Music Studio
Wattes Music Studio, situated in Winton, caters to musicians who use voice in the art of professional singing, speaking and/or performance. We believe in a …

Weka Preschool
The simple joy found in a spider web, puddle, rock or a stick always amazes us. The children at Weka play in nature every day They …

Winton Kindergarten
At Winton Kindergarten we nurture and value all our families and their contributions – formally & informally - as we begin to understand who …