Winton Employment Seminar

McCulloch + Partners and Preston Russell Law would like to invite you to our free seminar on Payroll and Employment Law.Have the confidence that you understand the implications of Employment Law legislation and what that means in practical terms for you and your business, when you are managing your payroll.
Key learning outcomes
+ Probationary Periods/90 Day Trial
+ Types of Employment
+ Employment Legislation
+ Dismissal/Redundancy
+ Your payroll processing obligations
+ Learnings from Payday Filing
+ Payroll software capability
+ Payroll Review
Also, there will be time to ask those burning employment and payroll questions.
26th February 2020, Salvation Army, 7 Dejoux Road, Winton. 10.30am -11.30am. Light refreshments from 10.00am. Register at
For more information contact Karen Duthie, Business Development Advisor
Email: Phone: 03 218 6179